
Understanding Your Grades and Academic Progress

Your academic progress is important. Whether you're monitoring your performance, setting goals, looking for ways to improve, or celebrating your achievements, understanding how grades work is essential to your success.

At Hawkeye Community College, the standard letter grades, descriptions, and grade points apply across all programs. However, instructors or programs may adapt the grading system as needed. Instructors are required to share their grading scale and procedures with students at the start of each course. Any grading scale an instructor uses must be applied consistently to all students in that course and across all sections they teach in a multi-section course.

Instructors decide how final grades are calculated in their courses and are not required to include plus or minus grades. Hawkeye records the letter grades exactly as reported by the instructor.

Your transcript reflects grade points based on the following scale:

Grade Description Grade Points
A Excellent 4.00
A- Excellent 3.67
B+ Above Average 3.33
B Above Average 3.00
B- Above Average 2.67
C+ Average 2.33
C Average 2.00
C- Average 1.67
D+ Below Average 1.33
D Below Average 1.00
D- Below Average 0.67
F Failing 0.00
FW Failure to Withdraw 0.00
I Incomplete: Students must make arrangements with their instructor and academic dean to complete the unfinished course. Students must complete the work within 45 days after the course end date. After this period of time, the grade will be changed to an "F". 0.00
N Audit 0.00
O Grade Requital: Awarded when a grade of "F" or "FW" is requited or forgiven. 0.00
P Credit Earned/Pass: Used exclusively in courses designated by the vice president of Academic Affairs. 0.00
Q No Credit/No Pass: Used exclusively in courses designated by the vice president of Academic Affairs. 0.00
W Withdrew 0.00
Course Repeated 0.00

Midterm grades are reported at the halfway point of courses lasting eight weeks or longer.

You can view your midterm grades in Self-Service by navigating to Academics (graduation cap icon) then Grades.

If your midterm grade is C-, D+, D, D-, F, or FW, we encourage you to meet with your instructor. They can help you assess your progress, explore strategies for improvement, and discuss your options.

Instructors are responsible for assigning final grades, and no other instructor or staff member may alter an assigned grade unless permitted by college policies or procedures. They set the weight and value of final grades in their courses and are not required to use plus or minus grades.

Hawkeye records letter grades exactly as submitted by the instructor.

Final grades are typically available within four calendar days after the course ends. You can view your grades in Self-Service by navigating to Academics (graduation cap icon) then Grades.

For privacy reasons, grades cannot be shared over the phone.

Grades are considered final 15 calendar days from the end of the course.

If you have questions about your final grade, contact your instructor within 15 calendar days after the course ends. If a change is warranted, the instructor will submit a Grade Change Form.

If the issue isn’t resolved, you have the option to file a final grade appeal.

How to Appeal Your Final Grade

If you believe your final grade isn’t accurate or fair, such as an error in calculation or misinterpretation of your work, you have the option to file a formal grade change appeal. Here’s how the process works:

Fill Out the Final Grade Appeal Form and Contact Your Instructor

Complete the Final Grade Appeal Form [PDF] and collect any evidence that supports your appeal, such as graded assignments or communications with your instructor. It’s your responsibility to present clear, compelling evidence to justify a grade change. Once everything is ready, email the form and your evidence to your instructor. This must be completed within 15 calendar days after the course ends.

If your instructor agrees to adjust the grade, they’ll submit a Grade Change Form, and your appeal is resolved! You don't need to do anything further.

If you don't hear back from your instructor within seven calendar days or they don't agree to adjust the grade, you can move the appeal on to the instructor’s academic dean.

Forward Your Appeal to the Academic Dean

If your instructor doesn't respond within seven calendar days or decides not to change the grade, you can take your appeal to the next level. Forward your appeal form and evidence to your instructor's academic dean within seven calendar days of the instructor’s decision.

The dean will meet with both you and the instructor to try to find a resolution.

If you’re not satisfied with the outcome, you can take your appeal to the Academic Appeals Review Board.

Submit Your Appeal to the Academic Appeals Review Board

If the issue still isn’t resolved, you can escalate the appeal to the Academic Appeals Review Board. Forward your appeal and evidence to the Dean of Students within seven calendar days of the academic dean’s decision.

Here’s what happens next:

  • The Dean of Students will notify the Review Board and set a hearing date. The Academic Appeals Review Board is made up of:
    • The Dean of Students (Chair)
    • At least three faculty members from the Academic Standards Committee
    • One representative from the Student Leadership Council
    • The Registrar or a designee (ex officio)
  • Both you and your instructor will be informed of the hearing details. If you and/or your instructor can’t attend, the Board will still review the appeal based on the submitted materials.
  • You and your instructor will receive a written notification of the outcome from the Dean of Students, in consultation with the Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs. The decision made by the Academic Appeals Review Board is final.

Grade Requital is a process that gives students who received all "FW" (Failure to Withdraw) grades in a semester the chance to address those grades, especially if something beyond their control prevented them from completing their courses. If this applies to you, Grade Requital is a way to potentially resolve those grades and get back on track.

To be eligible for Grade Requital, you must meet all of the following requirements:

  1. You received all "FW" (Failure to Withdraw) grades for the semester.
  2. You were unable to complete the semester or take the final exams.
  3. You didn’t officially withdraw from any course during that semester.
  4. You couldn't withdraw due to circumstances beyond your control. You'll need to provide proof of these circumstances. Examples may include medical issues, military call-up, sudden and unexpected relocation, institutionalization.

If you meet all the above criteria, you may request to have your "F" or "FW" grades changed to "O".

To apply for grade requital, fill out the Grade Requital for Failure to Withdraw form with your academic advisor. Your appeal must include documentation of the extenuating circumstances that were beyond your control.

Once submitted, your appeal will be reviewed by a committee appointed by the Registrar You will receive a decision within 30 days.

If your current semester GPA or your overall (cumulative) GPA falls below 2.00, you’ll be placed on academic probation for one semester.

While on probation, you’ll need to meet with your academic advisor to talk about your progress and to register for classes. High school students must meet with a High School Partnerships Specialist or Director to review their progress before registering.

You’ll remain on probation until both your semester GPA and cumulative GPA are 2.00 or higher. Keep in mind, you must have a minimum 2.00 GPA in your program to be eligible to graduate.

You are responsible to monitor your grades and track your academic progress.

If you're receiving Veterans Education Benefits, be sure to check out the specific Academic Progress Standards for Students Receiving Veterans Education Benefits.

The Dean's List is an official recognition of outstanding academic accomplishment by full-time students. This recognition is awarded at the end of the fall and spring semesters.

Qualifying for the Dean's List

Full-time students who successfully complete 12 or more credits during the fall or spring semester, with a semester GPA of 3.50 or higher for courses taken at Hawkeye Community College, are honored by being named to the Dean's List.

Grades of I, N, O, P, Q, W, and X are not included in the GPA calculation and do not count toward the 12-credit requirement for the Dean's List.

Recognizing Dean's List Students in their Local Newspaper

The Public Relations and Marketing office sends the Dean’s List to newspapers in Iowa who then publish the names of the students in or around the newspaper’s distribution area.

Hawkeye uses the city and state listed on your permanent address, provided on your orientation questionnaire, as your hometown.

Request your official college transcript online through the National Student Clearinghouse for an official transcript.

Current students can access their unofficial transcript in Self-Service by navigating to Academics (menu item with the grad cap) then Unofficial Transcript.

Request Your Transcript

Calculating Your GPA

Your Grade Point Average (GPA) is a way to measure your academic performance by assigning a numerical value to your grades. Whether you're aiming for a scholarship, tracking your progress, or just curious about how you're doing, knowing how to calculate your GPA is valuable skill.

Grade Grade Points Number of Credits
A 4.00
A- 3.67
B+ 3.33
B 3.00
B- 2.67
C+ 2.33
C 2.00
C- 1.67
D+ 1.33
D 1.00
D- 0.67
F 0.00
FW 0.00
I 0.00

Note: I, N, O, P, Q, W, X, and any transfer credits are not used in computing your current or cumulative GPA.

Contact Us

Registrar's Office

Main Campus
Hawkeye Center 114
Email the Registrar's Office

Regular Hours — Spring 2025

Monday – Friday 8 AM – 4:30 PM

Dean of Students

Norman Coley
Main Campus
Hawkeye Center 208
Email Norman Coley